About me


Seoul, South Korea

Seoul, South Korea

Hello! I’m Leslei, as the tagline for this blog reads a former homebody.

I was never big on travelling, despite always wanting to travel abroad when I was little. But that all changed starting in 2011, I had finished school, was getting tired of being boxed in an office and decided it was time to see what was out there. After months of saving and planning I moved to Canada where I started what it is now a big world travel.

Alberta, Canada

Alberta, Canada

I have been to a little over 20 countries and as much as I feel blessed and thankful for having had the chance to explore so many countries, in 5 different continents  I still feel like it is not enough.

I’m a budget traveller, always looking for the best deals and ways to save on travelling and I know how hard it can be to take the first step towards buying a plane ticket, so I hope I’ll be able to share my travel log of how i travel, save and continue to always travel. I barely have any experience writing for the web so there’s a lot I’ll learn from this blog.

Feel free to contact me at leslei at canipack dot com